Mazatec woman preparing Salvia Divinorum leaves
If you decide to try this plant yourself, you can buy it from Bouncing Bear Bothanicals if you´re in the US:
When the Mazatecs use Salvia Divinorum they always drink it during night-time ceremonies for healing different kinds of illness, both physical and spiritual. By crushing the leaves the Mazatecs extract the juices which are mixed with water. As the case with other sacred Medicine plants, there are certain tabu´s to consider when handling the plant, for example to avoid sex before and after the ceremony.
Using Salvia Divinorum in a controlled and preferably ritual setting brings with it many positive effects, including improved mood and sensations of insight, calmness, and connection with nature.
The plant has become more and more popular and is becoming illegal in more and more states and countries, even though the use of Salvia Divinorum doesn´t lead to addiction and social problems as is the case with use of hard drugs.. Another sign that the War On Drugs is a scam to keep us from discovering our full potential as human beings.
If you decide to try this plant yourself, you can buy it from Bouncing Bear Bothanicals if you´re in the US:
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